adventure, The Long Way West🌏, travels🌎

Welcome to Galicia

After a peaceful night (even though I dreamt of war) I stood up to very typical Galician weather – drizzle…
So we go to this very nice guitar shop to…

swap my semi-acoustic guitar for a full acoustic. After a very clear “no me gusta el Yamaha” statement I played a big acoustic to find out there isn’t much of a difference in volume, just more bass sounds.
So here I am back in the coffee shop where we had breakfast this morning, having coffee, reading the book Sandro has given me, thinking about friendship, social responsibility I have in my surroundings, the trade-off of doing what I’m doing and taking responsibility for the things I have left behind (but which I seem to take with me on my voyage) and reding this sentence in Pessoa’s “book uf unrest

[..] if the heart could think, it would stop beating [..]

So where, in the end, does this journey take us? Is it good to barely know the step that lies right ahead of us? We wouldn’t do one single step if we knew where it would take us. This certainty demands most of the trust we can bring up at this very present moment, perpetually
So today is the day of inner retreat, questioning, reading, playing music, but I can already feel the unrest growing anew.
I keep asking myself:”What is it about this unrest that keeps me moving – for now towards Lissabon – and then? Where to go, wanderer? Are you running from or towards something? Or, like Pessoa states – it doesn’t matter and noone cares!” well, I am not the type of person who thinks that everything is pointless,

Nach einer Nacht, in der ich von Krieg geträumt habe, trotzdem tie und fest geschlafen habe, bin ich also zu richtig galizischem Wetter erwacht – NIESELREGEN! ich wurde zu einem tollen Frühstück eingeladen und wir Sind dance INS Estudio 34, einen tollen Gitarrenladen, um meine Gitarre umzutauschen. Nachdem der Gitarrenmensch gesagt hat, him gefallen Yamahas nicht. Aber es sei eine sehr gute Massivholzgitarre, habe ich eine fullbody ausprobiert um zu mermen, dass da nicht viel Umterschied dazwischen besteht.
Ich sitze jetzt wieder I’m Frühstückskafe ALBA und lese Fernando Pessoa’s “Buch der Unruhe”, aus welchen ich nur kurz zitiere

wenn das Herz denken könnte, würde es aufhören zu schlagen!

Danke Serge für das tolle Geschenkt und dafür, dass ich nochmals massive Gewicht hinterlassen konnte und für die 50 Euro und am wichtigsten dafür, dass wir einfach Freunde sind!

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