adventure, The Long Way West🌏, travels🌎

Spanish Crown 0 : 1 British Empire

So what does one do one the general strike day – of course – as always moving anticyclic – working! Washing clothes (tnx, Marcos) –  pre-cooking rice (this rice lasts a couple of days, man) – working on new songs – meditating – drinking coffee – reading – you know, WORKING!

Marcos took me to the beach in Trafalgar, where the invincible Spanish fleet was messed up pretty badly and lost their hegemony to the island of Sherlock Holmes, Harry Potter and Mary fuckin’ Poppins!
So it goes…

Was macht Mann am Generalstreik – natürlich – antizyklisch – arbeiten. Reis vorkochen – Waschen – Putzen – Kaffee trinken – neue Songs üben – arbeiten halt…
Marcos hat mich an den Strand von Trafalgar mitgenommen, wo quasi die Vormachtsstellung der als unbesiegbar geltenden Spanischen Flotte unterging – und das Land der fish&chips, Harry Potter und Mary fuckin’ Poppins das Regime übernahmen…
So it goes…

Trafalgar Beach

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