adventure, an unexpected journey🌏, travels🌎, zombie apocalypse

walking dead

Neuseeland: Wellington – Picton – Christchurch (~3 h Fähre, ~5h Bus)
der tag begann um 04:30 uhr. danke für die extra stunde, jetlag. dann.
06.00 coffee @ mcdonalds in wellington.
08.00 coffee @ fährencafé auf den cook straits
09.45 coffee @ fährencafé mit stefan, dem radfahrer aus de.
11.30 coffee @ subway in picton.
12.55 coffee @ subway kurz vor busfahrt ab picton.
14.50 coffee @ why not coffee in kaikora.
18.30 coffeeverbot für den rest des tages in chistchurch.
20.45 rendezvous mit tatjana nach 2 stunden odyssee in einem post-apokalyptischen downtown christchurch. mann, die sind hier gemäss kane, der für das erdbebenkomitee der regierung arbeitet, für 5! jahre mit wiederaufbau beschäftigt. und dabei würde das das PERFEKTE set für walking dead season 4 abgeben. mann.


New Zealand: Wellington – Picton – Christchurch (~3 h ferry,~ 5h bus)
The day began at 04:30. tnx for the extra hour, jetlag.
06.00 coffee @ mcdonalds in wellington.
08.00 coffee @ ferry coffee on the cook straits
09.45 coffee @ ferry coffee with stefan, the cycle guy from germany.
11.30 coffee @ subway in picton.
12.55 coffee @ subway just before bus ride from picton.
14.50 coffee @ why not coffee in kaikora.
18.30 coffee restriction for the rest of the day in downtown christchurch.
20.45 rendezvous with my lovely friend tatjana. this after a 2 hours odyssee ( one might actually think that after a year of doing this, one would… ah… no). well, I spent two hours in earthquake-battered post- apocalyptic christchurch. i instinctly wanted to check on my gun. well, too many zombie movies intus. and, according to kane, they’re rebuilding the whole city downtown for the next 5 years. if anybody needs a business idea apart from simple rebuilding. this would make an awesome scene for walking dead, season 4, man.

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