
Der WICHTIGSTE post aller Zeiten /the MOST IMPORTANT post of ALL times

und dann kommen plötzlich so komische Werbebanner, beer. was ist los, verfluckt!
Nun, lieber blogleser. da der gute mann von nebenan irgendwie ein autor sein will, das schreiben ihm irre spass macht und das erste buch bei weiterem verprassen wertvoller bestseller-versionen noch etwa zehn weitere jahre in anspruch nimmt, hier (anscheinend) einenart, geld zu machen:
der deal:
du liest den blog und amüsierst dich.
während du liest, geht dein mauszeiger unbemerkt auf eine werbung. klicke dort die rechte maustaste und öffnen in neuem fenster.
du liest weiter und die werbung ist angeklickt und ich habe batzeli, das zu schreiben, was ich will. und du kannst es lesen. und uns beide kostet es nichts.
genial, oder?!?
Danke für die hilfe und ich wundere mich, ob ich nicht wieder beer-mässig was verpasst habe.


well, beer. i am a devoted blog reader of yours. actually i spend hours and hours getting all agitated about your typing mistakes. and now, puff, ads everywhere.
Dear devoted reader,
the man has been forced to start the business-part of his life.
there are approximately 150 readers of this blog every day.
now my mummy reads it, that’s where this whole blog idea started out, going something like this: mum, i go for a trip around the world without money.
okay, just make sure you’ll be back for dinner, will you.
no, mum, I’m afraid I won’t be back for dinner.
Oh, so,you’re staying out late, I’ll see. a nice girl?!?
…. and so on and so one.
after lots of tears, mainly due to my dinner being cold by the time I’d be back, I said “I won’t call, because I won’t take a cell phone with me.
well, there things started getting REALLY sobby and complicated
… after three months and twenty minutes, i said all right, I’ll write a blog.
what is a blog?
I couldn’t refuse her the precise  explanation. how she could be sure that as longas there would be posts, there was hope for her waiting for me magically showing up for dinner.
and now 2’000 people read this blog per month. and i figured that if there was somebody out there just hating ads a little less than myself and the same person being understanding enough in my situation just as much as me and ready to investhimself just a little more much than me (this mistake is made on purpose. it is called a figure of style!), I could be safed by getting a salary by google. and since i know noone at google, being paid by a complete stranger, which kind of makes it cool.
now i know my mum will go berserk in clicking on ads, and there will be trouble in the near future with my futurepatron google inc., that’s why (again as a means of camouflage, used regularly before in even more hideous ways) i don’t ponder on the subject in German and keep it to almost everybody else, apart from my beloved parents, who are next to illitreate when it comes to English AND
always put me in a state of slight distress when they announce that NOW, I Really want to learn English and you know, then I could read yourblog in English as well.
And, last to all parents who read English and think me a worthless piece of son and ungrateful and so on. let me tell you. my parents do have a great illiteracy in English, but an even greater sense of humour. and therefori shall be eternally grateful!

So, devoted reader. your turn to click on the ad, use the right mouse button and say “open in new window”. you are not bothered and i am able to move into a trailer home because I still can’t afford my appartement.

So it goes.

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