travels🌎, WIR ATOMKINDER poetry tour🌎

The Swiss Guy Who Didn’t Make IT

after another one-hell-of-a-night night at an airport, waking up to the late check-ins, waking up the cleaning personnel, waking up to other drifters, waking up to the early check-ins, waking up and deciding to end this imposter-sleeping, I went for a cheap coffee and to the check-in. The Indian guy from yesterday told me to check in at least 4 hours before, since this hall was going to be VERY crowded and chances to miss the flight again due to a late check-in could be very likely. I was there at 6 am (my flight leaves at 2pm) so I had all the counters to myself.

The same Indian guy who had denied me passage yesterday was at the check-in counter together with his two clerk-friends. and he pretty much summed up my yesterday for me:

Ah, the Swiss guy who didn’t make it is back!

Well, pleased to meet you, too.

…und dann sitze ich ohne starbuxxx coffee im starbuxxx und schreibe, als plötzlich überall elend grell kreischende Geräusche losgehen (inklusive auf meinem Handy).

Bundesweiter Probe-Alarmtag.

Die Zeiten mit dem “bitte hören Sie regelmässig die Radiodurchsagen” sind auch vorbei, oder?!

Man quittiert den Alarm dann auf dem Mobilgerät, so dass das Teil wieder die Klappe hält.

15 Minuten später quäken immer noch ein paar einsame Geräte von einem längst bestandenen Probelauf für den Wettlauf.

At the Customs – possible bomb threat, could you please open your hand luggage.

I forgot my Edeka LatteMacchiato. Sodded! There goes my sweets for today.

The Custom’s guy: Does he go everywhere with you? He was referring to Grogu.

Me: Where he goes, I go. I waited for his line, which would go: So I’ve heard.

Well, he obviously was no fan of the Series.

Grogu and I are at the gate, now. Let’s see if we make it through this time.

The man help you will crowdfund money may the force be with you earthling, Help spaceship we need. not droids you are looking for but klick here you do.

 May the Force be with you (and us, well especially me)

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