en route pour la joie🌎, travels🌎

endless summer?!

summer and warmth was the only intention in our year of intentionless intentions.

we screw that up big time right in the beginning by having the idea of heading north towards and straight into scotland.
summer ad warmth, we said with scotland, rain and midgets in our review mirror, heading towards belgium, then the netherlands. then, after the pyrenees, we were in spain and everything was dry and sandy and warm as imagined.
in gibraltar, mid december during the rain storm that almost took off our pop-up roof, the decision hammer fell.

what do you take with you an journey within a journey where you already reduced yourself to the absolute max? 

everything? abso-fucking-lutely.
so we stood at the airport of sevilla, three days later. two overfilled 70l-backpacks, a china market suitcase and hand luggage.
when the woman at the airport said, overweight, that was the understatement of the century. we had 33 kilos overweight.
guitar must be boarded as an instrumennt, skateboard is sports equipment, an aditional seat is another option for our luggage to… bla bla bla. the woman was on fire and it dawned on us that those supercheap flight tickets we had now was getting the additional cheap airline add-ons attached, supplements and mastercard-platin options attached to and that it would get really expensive!
so we took a seat somewhere, stuck our head together and began doing what we were best at (no, not improvising, but we are good at that, too), we juggled weight, here some things out, there some more in, of three make four. with our heads slightly hanging we returned to the counter and, to our surprise, a new woman occupied the counter.
i cannot put it in other words than insolent to see how our luck turned. the new clerk, generously scanned our luggage, waved us through and either was on her monday day of the week or she was just nice or anything.
it still got expensive, but we didn’t quite buy shares of the airline.

we travelled with three suitcases, a guitar, skateboard, roller skates and our small family consisting of baby yoda, lilly and octi to santa cruz de tenerife, then by bus including changing buses multiple times to san juan – 10 days later same way back by bus (including another china market suitcase), ferry from santa cruz to gran canaria, bus to galdar and an evening walk from galdar to nearby village by foot. somewhere on that road with us cursing the idea, the suitcases and everything with each step, the spirits left our two china market suitcases (the wheels broke off one by one) –
one month later the same procedure back, but a little wiser. we hired a guy to drive us to the port. we took a taxi from santa cruz to our apartement near a former leper colony and after checking prices on rental cars, the kaeptn booked a flight to sevilla and got our car onto the island. so, all’s well that ends well, i guess.    

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