pocafey & kaeptn beer are meander our way direction imagination of no people, beautiful pastures and swimmable lakes, direction north.
past world war memorials in Fuckin’ France and belgium, through the hedge on class 5
roads in southern england (where you drive 60 miles per hour, and what,
seeing those roads, nobody does (unless you want to go straight through
the hedge), taking breaks next to pastures and castle ruins and lakes after having updated our park4night app to premium.
past camping prohibited signs (they do not include pop-up roofs, right?!) basically everywhere in between wales and scotland.
well: the most remote lakes of lake disctric (according to the recommendation of the woman in the coffee place, where had our home barista shop beans grinded, are still WAY TOO TOURISTY.
this means, we are pushing farther north.
pocafey & kaeptn beer mäandern unseren weg richtung der vorstellung von keine menschen, schöne wiesen und beschwimmbare seen mal nach norden.
quintessenz: die abgelegensten seen des districts (gemäss der empfehlung der frau im coffee place, wo wir unsere home barista shop bohnen haben mahlen lassen)
sind immer noch WAY TOO TOURISTY