hey, what’s up blog reader. To be honest, I am still amazed that people actually read this blog?! To be honest, I am not much of a blog reader myself. I actually still buy books made of paper, never gotten the hang on this whole digital reading thing, guess I am stuck in the last millennium when it comes to that.
Continue reading →travels🌎
California, here we come
Okay, once again, refusing to learn, I took an early morning 12 hours bus across half of the state to do what I consider genius.
Continue reading →The Word is on the Street
…so Kate from Carrot Productions took me to this really shady street corner. Guys were already cracking cans of beer and drawing a huge chalk circle on the ground. The thing started at ten and what happened then was truly amazing…
Continue reading →Burning the Midnight Oil
I have been staying up late lately, getting up earlier than usual lately, taking walks before dawn, been doing lists of things I want to accomplish during the day lately, been checking off
Continue reading →Finally found it! A Relatively Relevant Relative
Pocafey and the Kaeptn were sailing the seas of not so dangerous and demanding cheese, when we stopped at a place somewhere in the middle of nowhere, where a supposed relative of her was supposed to live.
Continue reading →Why Travelling With Pocafey Is So Much Better Than Travelling Alone…
Well, it’s not that difficult to see and I don’t have to explain a whole lot (I guess). If you followed our en route pour la joie adventures, you know that this most best human being is known for
Continue reading →Hohoho, Merry Xmas to y’all!
Since I am not the christmasy Christmas christmasser, I took some photos of the surrounding North America landscape when it comes to Merry Christmas Super Santa Satan Caroling Holocaust …
Enjoy, get crazy on Boxing Day and please tell everybody who is anti-christmasy to visit my blog.
When you go something like: Sorry Kiddo, Christmas Eve is Postponed!
That’s kinda how it feels when you are reading your amore’s text message. You haven’t seen your lovely one for more than three and a half months. All eager and bla bla, it seems that the story is just repeating itself. Even though she has an ESTA, the airplane still is soo much delayed that the connecting flight is arivederci, gone.
Continue reading →Welcome to the Lost Souls Café
When you travel the way I am traveling now, sometimes you can feel that the line between being an artist, being a drifter and sliding sideways into being a bum begins to fade…
Continue reading →Why you should perform NAKED at least once in your life and how easy it is
I watched a documentary on RHCP’s bass player Flea. In an interview he said on being asked about playing naked: it‘s a spiritual experience.
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