adventure, The Long Way West🌏, travels🌎

ein Dollar / one Dollar

Because I receive more and more money with a so far unknown currency, I see it as the US of the A calling me… In terms of understanding and mutual understanding, I try to give a brief explanation on the TRUE meaning of all the scribble you’ll find one a one dollar bill!
Here we go…
Federal Reserve Note “Don’t keep feathers”
.1 🙂 (no, smart guy, the smiley is not, man!) “not one single piece, even the most beautiful ones”
.This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private “meaning if I say not, I mean not! even though my words may sound smooth for all of you rookies, in and out of job”
.Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York “this is as well valid for you, Frankie boy! No exeptions for celebs”
.One Dollar, Washington “you are but a puppet of D.C.”
.Treassurer of the United States “I am the garbage master of this country”
.Secretary of the Treasury “here a hint of the secret that lies behind ‘garbage’ “
.one 1 “Reference to Johnny Cash! You think his name is coincidence, hu???”
.in god we trust”here the punishment: a thrust with a goad, of course hidden behind something more acceptable”
.Annuit coeptis “lat. for He smiles upon the undertaking “
.Novus Ordo Seclorum “lat. for new world order”
.MDCCLXXVI “an italian riddle to amuse the Dons in the gouvernment: Mamma Dice Cappucchino Con Leche XXgrande vala = Infusion
.The great seal of the USA “the big walrus of the USA”
.E Pluribus Unum “lat. for out of many, one”

Think this helps understanding the hardship of our big brother 😉
Noon at Capitano Antonio’s cafeteria, he told me that I could stay longer at the “hostel”.
I am friends with Marlon Brando as the Godfather…

Ich kriege in letzter Zeit vermehrt von Amerikanern Dollars! Im Sinne eines ehemaligen “Brückenbauers” schreibe ich mal alles ab und übersetze sinngemäss, was auf einer Ein-Dollar-Note steht:
.Federal Reserve Note “Eine Reserve an Federn für den Notfall”
.The United States Of America “in Ameriga”
.1 🙂 (Nein, der Smiley ned, Mann!) “genaue Anzahl = 1, also eine Feder”
.This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private “dieses Not ist dann liebevoll und legal für alle Deppen, ob öffentlich oder privat”
.Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York “hier eine Anspielung auf Frankieboy Sinatra, dem auch eine Federn zustehen”
.One Dollar, Washington “ohne den tollen Washington. Er ist leider verstorben!”
.Treassurer of the United States “der Trester (hochprozentiger Schnapps) der USA”
.Secretary of the Treasury “das Geheimnis des Trester machens, bzw. die Kunst des Tresters”
.one 1 “ohne eins. versteh ich auch ned ganz?!?”
.in god we trust”hier wieder: der gute alte Trester”
.Annuit coeptis “lat. für “Er heisst das Begonnene gut
.Novus Ordo Seclorum “lat. für Neue Weltordnung”
.MDCCLXXVI “ein italienisches Silbenrätsel: Mamma Dice Cappucchino Con Leche XXgrande vala = Infusion
.The great seal of the USA “Das grosse Walross der USA”
.E Pluribus Unum “lat. für aus vielen Eins”

Denke, dieses Wissen schafft Verständnis für unseren grossen Bruder 😉
Ich war am Mittag bei Capitano Antonio und er hat was mit Radffael von der Notschlafstelle gedeichselt, dass ich anstelle der 5 Nächte jetzt länger bleiben kann!

adventure, The Long Way West🌏, travels🌎


So the showers in my buena vista hostel club are only available in the evening! Good to know! I went onto a fresh and dead street at 8. For southern people it is rather freezing cold, and everything starts living no sooner than 9.30.

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adventure, The Long Way West🌏, travels🌎

A Numbers Day

I spent half of the day sanding the cockpit of the Nebesa. We are going to put in a rubber cover fixed with epoxy. After a decent shower I went to town, trying to be more Zen that I actually felt. I answered some mails on facebook and went drinking coffee, before going down to business and playing music in the streets…

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adventure, The Long Way West🌏, travels🌎

It’s time

There is a time for everything, especially leaving! People tend to overhear the signs for departure when they are too comfortable…
So I left the apartement des piratos today, opening up for something new! And new are the friend requests one facebook after the article In the newspaper. Fou sent me a text message today, let’s see what happens

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adventure, The Long Way West🌏, travels🌎


so I woke up pretty reset, my balance regained and sheltered by my favorite angel of Cadiz, thanks a lot! I went to university, full of good intentions (yeah, those which pave the road to hell, I know!) but after some mails to friends and teachers who started their work digging for gold in the educational mines, I met Matteo and David and we went for Coffee and Churros (these things are too greasy, but you don’t question a gift, right.

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adventure, The Long Way West🌏, travels🌎

Sensorium = fucked (dt. Übers. gem. “Scheisse”)

2 hours of sleep last night. And the steady baaaaack and foooorth, baaaack and foooorth. For 30 nautical miles (multiply with factor 1.852 equals k, Nerd!!!). We have been sailing towards the Canaries for a test leg and simply turned back after 30. So after no wind in the beginning, we made our turn and arrived in the port of Cadiz at 10 this morning.

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