…were very happy, of course! I hugged my brother a lot. And since we both were…
Continue reading →Tag: 1 year without money
In Summer 2010, I gave away all my possessions and embarked on a crazy adventure. Without money. Without credit card.Without Smart Phone.
Just a guitar, a scooter, a backpack and the longing for freedom.
the next life after my new life…
Yeah, coming home is a confusing thing. Especially when this term “home” is a funny place and there is a traditional folk festival (which has not the slightest thing to do with Bob Dylan, believe me) is going on in the city. Just a lot of…
Continue reading →a 32 hours day
Today was an early morning rising. Departure at 7 in the morning together with Rob. At the airport I fest of all waited for 4 hours until I could proceed with the check-in and have…
Continue reading →Homecoming of the Demons
Woke up early this morning. 05.30. The taxi USA – Airport leaves at 07.00. Rob, who is catching his own flight, gives me a ride to the airport. So I’ll be killing time at the airport then.
Bin heute Morgen um 05.30 Uhr aufgestanden. Mein Taxi USA (Rob, der mich mit an den Flughafen nimmt) fährt um 07.00 Uhr. Ja, ich werde mir den Tag am Flghfn zu Tode schlagen.
Last Things
I was at the airport today for having confirmed that it wouldn’t be a problem with the wrong birthdate on my e-ticket. No troubles at all. All right. But I felt a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach…
Continue reading →Preparations
…Bob organised my flight back. I tried the whole darn day getting this flight confirmation done. Hopeless. And I still have the wrong birthday date on my ticket. But the passport number is ok. Should work out (hopefully! Otherwise, Bob warned me,…
Continue reading →last post
So. The dude throws himself around a quarter of the world, smells, gets mugged on a regular basis. So why, all of a sudden, is he returning back to Switzerland?
Continue reading →E.T.
nach Hause…
…and now what?
Today I got a mail from a somebody back in Switzerland. This mail raised a LOT of questions, to all of them I have to add a firm YES.
Continue reading →back to Hostel Bekuo
I returned to Hostel Bekuo this afternoon. The deal with the nights in exchange for work and a helping hand counted only for me. So I gave Jo my 20 Dollars emergency money and hit the road playing the streets of San José again.
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