After breakfast we get a text message from the Polnish guys giving a new meeting point. Berta and I do the first miles of hitchhiking to abandon the quest after a very
Continue reading →Tag: 1 year without money
In Summer 2010, I gave away all my possessions and embarked on a crazy adventure. Without money. Without credit card.Without Smart Phone.
Just a guitar, a scooter, a backpack and the longing for freedom.
The journey continues…
Besides of sleeping among ants and in the spotlight of some security’s
Continue reading →Notfallpost / emergency post
Sorry for the Lack of Updates, but I try to get Hand on a free WiFi besides a Ship across the Big Lake (that seems a Major issue) since I reached Portugal! I am healthy but rather pissed…
Hang on…
Ulysses looking for a ship
I tried to hitchhike my last Kilometers to Lissabon, but instead of waiting in the Sun for hours with no money, I am now in an Air-conditioned bus heading towards Lissabon with 3.10€ in my pocket.
Continue reading →Alles ist möglich / anything goes
Today I had a splendid breakfast, compared to what I ate in the mornings when I used to be a teacher (in my last life).
Afterwards I went looking for a WiFi-coffee, meaning a “meir de leit” and an iPhone-Internet connection.
I got my coffee latte, but
Zen Monkey
This morning I had a nice breakfast, went towards the city centre and spent the last 1.15 Euro on a nice milk coffee. So there was this guy who read my sign, wanted to
Continue reading →Port of Porto #1
Today’s efforts are all dedicated in finding a ship towards the other continent. I felt like in this Asterix-movie, where he is sent from A to B to be sent back to A. In the end, after having crossed “the bridge” several times, …
Continue reading →Port of Porto #2
This morning the three of us woke up for the second time in the bus together, having a nice breakfast and me, after phoning up my family and congratulating my dad for his birthday,
Continue reading →Beach of Porto – Surfer’s Paradise, if only I was a Surfer!
So again I did a space distance in no time. My goal was to be in Porto/Lissabon around Christmas, now it’s September and I am all “wow, already here – ready for doing some transatlantic … I shit my pants scared as hell terra incognita sorta thing…
Got the feeling?
Carry on
After a splendid breakfast Serge and myself go to the supermarket:”You buy everything you need, ok!” so a little thing on national anomalies. There is no such thing as a fasting Italian – and there is no Spaniard who does a trip around the world alone!
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