The events of the last few days are best expressed as a verbal vaudeville:
2 weeks of whitewater holidays in the Hautes-Alpes – 30-36° Celsius – wind – great water levels –
Tag: 1 year without money
In Summer 2010, I gave away all my possessions and embarked on a crazy adventure. Without money. Without credit card.Without Smart Phone.
Just a guitar, a scooter, a backpack and the longing for freedom.
Ends and Beginnings
Today last day at school with my kids…
Next step was going to my favorite outdoor shop and doing a shopping spree for 1’700 CHF (with the voucher I gave myself as a gift):
Cross Sum
5 days left until the Long Walk West.
de facto, this means July 27th 2010. The careful reader may find some numerological oddities, but it is not necessary…
how titles of two following blogs can contradict so much! always is now –
Zen of the moment – children of the present – timeless, eternal
presence.. (got the idea? Did you? Wow, I didn’t so far…)
The Biggest Adventure of my Life: and The Clock is TICKING
twelve weeks left until the “Long Walk West”
Preparations are running for the self-titled “Long Walk West”, what sounds a lot like a parody of a Will Smith western.
here’s the plan:…
Continue reading →ALWAYS IS NOW – this is the Beginning (of the End)
So here I am, starting my own blog…
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