In Summer 2010, I gave away all my possessions and embarked on a crazy adventure. Without money. Without credit card.Without Smart Phone.
Just a guitar, a scooter, a backpack and the longing for freedom.
An unbearably hot day. No escape. Inside – outside. Hardly no wind. Sun blasting down without mercy. And then it seems to happen when we want to pull in the line and…
Continue reading →where I read in Bernard Moitessier’s “The long way”. He sailed around the world without…
Continue reading →We spent a quiet day and had the forecasted “no wind” in the evening. So motor on and through the night. Jo gave me an introductory scourging in Jazz…
Continue reading →ENGLISH VERSION
We left Cuba after having said goodbye to Jean-Luc, who has helped us a lot, and Rudolf Steiner, the Swiss guy who left a footprint on my soul! After more wind than predicted and a nice movie, just as I wanted to raise the almighty question:”What shall we have for din…” Srrrrrrrhhh, the fishing rod went off and we collected a !!!meter!!! long fish whose name I don’t know. But a thing between a dorado and a tuna. So question answered, my vegetarian heart sank while the dudes made fun of me, I whisteled NIRVANA’s “Something in the way” into my mighty beard and Jean made the fish kitchen ready. I took a heart and prepared the fish in the kitchen, trying not to give the impression that this was my first fish in my life to prepare. I done well I guess!
Yes, we ate far too much and yes, we know what there will be for lunch, dinner and pudding the next two days.
So it goes!
Wir sind heute Mittag losgesegelt, nachdem wir uns von Jean-Luc, welcher uns sehr geholfen hat und Rolf, welcher bei mir einen Platz im Herzen gefunden hat, verabschiedet haben. Jean hat uns mit einer kleinen Ration Guetzli und einer Seife als Geschenk überrascht und, nachdem wir kurz vor 1900 Uhr einen Film beendet haben und ich mich grad laut fragen wollte:”Was könnte man heute zum Abendessen…… zurrrrr! Geht die Angelrute los. Wir haben einen Meter langen Fisch gefangen, welcher eine Mischung zwischen Dorado und Thunfisch ist und irgendwie heisst. Wow, ein Riesending. Ich war dann vegetarisch halb entzückt und habe “Something in the way” von NIrvana in meinen Bart gemurmelt, während Jean den Fisch alle und kochbereit gemacht hat. Ich habe dann auf professionell umgeschaltet (erstaunlich, wie einfach so was gehen kann) und habe den Fisch in der Küche zubereitet ohne den Verdacht zu erwecken, dass dies der erste Fisch in meinem Leben ist, den ich koche, ganz zu schweigen von zubereiten. Wir haben dann viel zu viel leckeren Fisch gegessen und wissen schon im Voraus, was wir Morgen essen werden. Ufff!
Jo and myself went to town today to get some cash and some little things (which we did all not accomplish). So we had the cash. “Qu’est ce qu’on fait?”
“On va boire un petit coup?” So we…
There is even a horror movie called Saturday, the 14th. I tried my brand new FuBu shoes I got from Wilhelm back in Agadir – and they made me blister (I know this verb doesn’t exist, relax and have fun), but I took them off around the same place I dismantled my Crocs(TM) and carried on as Barefoot Beer again…
Continue reading →Yes, I was superstitious. Sometimes in the blossom of my intellectual renaissance I distanced myself from such heretic and simplified thinking. Later I tried to convince myself that Friday, 13th is a lucky day. By now I can…
Continue reading →Well, Casilda is since I don’t know how long no international marina anymore. This means we cannot finish our clearance here. Where to go?
“Well, back to Santiago or continue to Cien Fuegos.”
We arrived, after having eaten the last bit of our selfmade bread for breakfast and a day of successful and tranquil sailing, in the bay of Casilda.
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