Today was a boat maintenance day. Apart from us spending the whole afternoon trying to get an electric cable inside the mast and an electric drill almost smashing…
Continue reading →Tag: 1 year without money
In Summer 2010, I gave away all my possessions and embarked on a crazy adventure. Without money. Without credit card.Without Smart Phone.
Just a guitar, a scooter, a backpack and the longing for freedom.
Holy week
After a short balance check on the cash flow and the certainty that there isn’t much money left right now, we threw ourselves into the heat of Boca Chica’s holy week. An international beach volley tournament, where we realized…
Bravo, Echo, Echo, Romeo! Copy, last name! No, Swiss! Yes, really.
We arrived today in Boca Chica, Dominican Republic. After an hour radio session with the US Coast Guard, where Jean tried the international spelling language and Jo and myself were well-entertained (a lot of smoking from inside the boat. Skip? Everything all right?!), we
Continue reading →is everyday now exactly the same???
Sailing. Eating. Listening to music. Importing Jo’s CD collection into iTunes and charging it onto my beerPod. Writing a songbook with tabs and chords I downloaded from the www. Eating. Sleeping. Playing PES2011 on the PSP. (There is a Guapita cup going on…). Enjoying the sun. Being filmed while taking the all-weekly full body naked washing and trying not to fall over board. (Fuckin’ French paparazzis). 🙂
Continue reading →St. Martin vs. Dominica Republic
We have been sailing the coastal shore of Puerto Rico since early morning. It seems forever. Under the hot noon sun, Jean throws himself a movie, Jo…
Continue reading →Self-Hairdressing and love
Funny how people hesitate when it comes to their very own scalp and hair… Without any hesiations I took the scissors in a public washroom and *schnipp, schnapp* off they went…
From a hairdresser’s perspective I certainly failed the exam, but hey
We took the road to the Dominican Republic. Good day, nice weather and winds…
Little Holland
After Little Amsterdam on the other side of the island, there is not much left to say except: “Let’s get the hell out of here.” I am well aware that we are tourists, too. But I like not soooo much to lean on that status (which caused me a lot of problems back in Marocco, I know). So we…
Continue reading →Cuba, we are coming
We worked on what the French call a BUL. A means of receiving weather forecast via a radio attached to the computer. A special application on the computer decyphers the beep beeps into weather charts. (Yeah, I marvel, too.) According to the…
Continue reading →A Modern Pompeji
Next to Montserrat we were thinking about mooring there. The island is a modern Pompeij and has been partially destroyed by an eruption in 95 and has caused many casualties. But we held a straight bearing towards St. Martin, where we (the first time for us all) were welcomed by customs on a big ship. They jumped into their dinghy while Jean was uninstalling our cracked version of MaxSea, Jo was thinking about the too many bottles of rhum and I was concerned if they still had their weed lying around…
Continue reading →sailing… again
We had fair winds in the beginning of our trip towards the north. A good breeze, clouds and comfortable temperatures. Apart from the kitchen, which should carry a sticker saying “nasty, dangerous and unpredictable piece of slip” and the steaming hot content of our duromatic on my legs, everything was fine. (We still enjoyed the noodles afterwards. And I already had a hot and loaded original italian coffee machine on my head another time)
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