adventure, The Long Way West🌏, travels🌎

is everyday now exactly the same???

Sailing. Eating. Listening to music. Importing Jo’s CD collection into iTunes and charging it onto my beerPod. Writing a songbook with tabs and chords I downloaded from the www. Eating. Sleeping. Playing PES2011 on the PSP. (There is a Guapita cup going on…). Enjoying the sun. Being filmed while taking the all-weekly full body naked washing and trying not to fall over board. (Fuckin’ French paparazzis). 🙂

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adventure, The Long Way West🌏, travels🌎

Self-Hairdressing and love

Funny how people hesitate when it comes to their very own scalp and hair… Without any hesiations I took the scissors in a public washroom and *schnipp, schnapp* off they went…
From a hairdresser’s perspective I certainly failed the exam, but  hey
We took the road to the Dominican Republic. Good day, nice weather and winds…

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adventure, The Long Way West🌏, travels🌎

Little Holland

After Little Amsterdam on the other side of the island, there is not much left to say except: “Let’s get the hell out of here.” I am well aware that we are tourists, too. But I like not soooo much to lean on that status (which caused me a lot of problems back in Marocco, I know). So we…

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adventure, The Long Way West🌏, travels🌎

A Modern Pompeji

Next to Montserrat we were thinking about mooring there. The island is a modern Pompeij and has been partially destroyed by an eruption in 95 and has caused many casualties. But we held a straight bearing towards St. Martin, where we (the first time for us all) were welcomed by customs on a big ship. They jumped into their dinghy while Jean was uninstalling our cracked version of MaxSea, Jo was thinking about the too many bottles of rhum and I was concerned if they still had their weed lying around…

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adventure, The Long Way West🌏, travels🌎

sailing… again

We had fair winds in the beginning of our trip towards the north. A good breeze, clouds and comfortable temperatures. Apart from the kitchen, which should carry a sticker saying “nasty, dangerous and unpredictable piece of slip” and the steaming hot content of our duromatic on my legs, everything was fine. (We still enjoyed the noodles afterwards. And I already had a hot and loaded original italian coffee machine on my head another time)

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