adventure, The Long Way West🌏, travels🌎


at this point, I want to thank YOU for reading this blog. In the beginning, I didn’t have the intention or the slightest idea that anybody (besides my ma and pa and some close friends) Thanks, ma and pa and close friends, lol) would read my blog. But things almost always turn out differently, don’t they? The most read blog so far is one I just didn’t know what to write and most comments are in blogs I really questioned the blog thing and all around it. Funny, sometimes!

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adventure, The Long Way West🌏, travels🌎

Rainbows, Enlightenment and so on

Ich habe in einem metaphysischen Magazin, das ich in St. Lucia in einem Büchertausch getauscht habe, eine Einsicht gehabt. Darin steht eine lustige Geschichte von einem erleuchteten Jungen, der einem König, welcher sich von seinem Besitz getrennt hat und Entsagugn zusamen mit Mantras, in welchen er sagt:” Ich bin Gott, ich bin Gott, ich bin Gott” übt. 

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adventure, The Long Way West🌏, travels🌎

Am I Your Electric Shepherd?

…or “Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?”
I don’t know yet, but I started reading Dick’s SciFi Classsic, which formed the base for Blade Runner. Else we are here in Grande Anse, I am applying for a job in NZ at (something that started when I returned from NZ in 2008. The reason why I started to do whitewater kajaking on the first hand). The grocery is completed, the route towards the north more or less set, the will to stay gets weaker each day…

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adventure, The Long Way West🌏, travels🌎

On The Sea Again…

last preps, full of the water tank, preparing sails, throwing away my now socially unbearable pants which disclose too for simple working pants, last coordinations and checks and then… start the engine, hoist sails and sail with an average of 5 knots (man, this hull is smooth as a baby bottom) direction Grande Anse…

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adventure, The Long Way West🌏, travels🌎


You sit behind a coffee shop which has a free internet zone (yeah, 12345….) and all of a sudden:” Excuse me, do you know JHVH, the name of the Lord? Well, yeah, sort of…
I realizt that the witnesses have found their way to this remote island (well, not very remote, but remoter than other places). So here are the rules:

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