So. The dude throws himself around a quarter of the world, smells, gets mugged on a regular basis. So why, all of a sudden, is he returning back to Switzerland?
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nach Hause…
…and now what?
Today I got a mail from a somebody back in Switzerland. This mail raised a LOT of questions, to all of them I have to add a firm YES.
Continue reading →back to Hostel Bekuo
I returned to Hostel Bekuo this afternoon. The deal with the nights in exchange for work and a helping hand counted only for me. So I gave Jo my 20 Dollars emergency money and hit the road playing the streets of San José again.
Continue reading →Tao Te Ching
Today I got a beautiful gift. I could borrow Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching. The book is full of beauty and probably one of the most beautiful books I’ve ever read. One day, it will be my constant companion on my way. A dear companion for times, when the next iPod is being stolen.
I went to the hostel this afternoon and had a chat with Brian, the owner of hostel Bekuo. In the end he offered me a bed in exchange for making breakfast, making beds and so on. This for a couple of days. Wow. Sooo cool. Thanks a lot!
Ich habe heute etwas, das ich mir schon seit langem gewünscht habe, in die Hände gekriegt. Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching. Wunderschön und in Gedichtform ist “der Weg” darin beschrieben. Das Buch ist eine Leihgabe, doch ich werde es irgendwann bei mir tragen. Sozusagen als Begleiter, wenn einem wieder einmal der iPod gestohlen wird.
Ich bin am Nachmittag zurück ins Hostel Bekuo und habe den Nachmittag mit dem Besitzer über Musik und die Welt geredet. Er hat mir am Schluss angeboten, dass ich (wir) für Frühstück machen/ Betten machen usw. ein paar Tage gratis im Hostel bleiben können. Wow!
The student learns by daily increment.
The Way is gained by daily loss,
loss upon loss until
At last comes rest.
By letting go, it all gets done;
The world is won by those who let it go!
But when you try and try,
The world is then beyond the winning.

A new Day
I left early this morning, when everybody was still fast asleep. After a treat (caramel macchiato at McDonalds), I went to the city. Gotta get a clear head. I am certainly playing at this birthday party and afterwards going further south.
Continue reading →Mugged again…
Jo was late this morning and arrived short before 11 a.m. at the hostel. I had done his pack when he was sleeping at his (now not anymore) girlfriend’s couchsurfing place, whose owner was away a night.
Continue reading →Busker with a Cold
So I had just no motivation at all to rumble the street jungle. We parked ourselves on a bench and started working on the lyrics to Leyla, when adolescent grandson and grandfather came and adolescent grandson asked, which songs I’d play. I ended up with an…
Continue reading →a Road Day
I do not exactly know what has happened. Whether it being the sea breeze that roughened my character and added some street credibility, San José being a dream place for baskers, my choice of songs or whatever…
Continue reading →Hostel Bekuo
Breakfast. A little chat with GianFranco, whom we met the first night here. He offered us to go to a concert here in San José this afternoon @ Placa Salamandra and maybe
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