One is not supposed to, but since I know a birdshot about cars, I think I am going to pick
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For The Fans
I phoned up my mom today. Apart from my dad being institutionalized because of his recently diagnosed dementia and my mother now having to force sale their apartement, because she can’t pay the bills anymore, everything’s fine.
Apparently my mum’s English is still not there, so I decided to return to English and German again.
I know I have been jumping around from pleasing my Singapore fanbase (or is it a bot that keeps attacking my blog 😉 and the German / English version. But anyway, here it is, back in good old English-Deutsch. So that’s my part.
If you want to support me, you could help me getting my money for a car together so the waiting here has an end and I can continue my journey towards the East.
For donations, click here.
Ich habe heute mit meiner Mutter telefoniert. Abgesehen davon, dass mein Vater im Heim ist, weil er nun an fortschreitender Continue reading →
Winter Is Coming
…as the good old Starks used to say and I was listening. Winter is Coming! Continue reading →
Jetlag and such things
The days pass and I am working on my actual plan apart from meeting people and places I
knew 19 years ago, namely planning and engaging in literary tongue-to-ear combat with North America. Continue reading →
I Am Really Happy, But Please, Come On…
I checked the stats. To my delight (however much of delight it gives me that people actually read this stuff here), I saw that the blog has been visited over 2000 times this month, almost 600 times within the last couple of days. Continue reading →
surrender, Buddha says.
surrender, Jesus says (yes, I am back in the Bible Belly again, see the effect?!)
surrender, Rambo says Continue reading →
The Swiss Guy Who Didn’t Make IT
after another one-hell-of-a-night night at an airport, waking up to the late check-ins, waking up the cleaning personnel, waking up to other drifters, waking up to the early check-ins, waking up and deciding to end this imposter-sleeping, I went for a cheap coffee and to the check-in. Continue reading →
How to Start A Poetry Reading Tour
I am a terrible researcher. Continue reading →
kissed by the medusa (the gorgon’s kiss)
we are currently sharpening our skills in materializing things. our schedule for today included twice a surfboard, softop, cheap, with leash, suitable for travelling with EMMA.
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