adventure, The Long Way West🌏, travels🌎

A Stroll In The Rainforest

Fab is the best guide you can wish for. In his weekend, he and his lovely pregnant girlfriend, the Chevrolet Jeep and us three idiots in the back, we visited an amazing waterfall. I went straight into the water, not even taking my clothes off. (They needed washing anyway.)

stunning waterfall – runnable with kayak?
Jean & Fab

Afterwards we went to a pool hall and played a good game of pool. Some things you’ll never forget. Thanks to Vroni, NZ and her pool table in her livingroom.

This morning I paid a visit to former musical friends from Switzerland. Amazing how things grew mature and well. Wow, I am impressed, but miss my PRS guitar at the same time. In the evening, connected with a caramel candy, I lost an dental filling… I am falling apart.

Fab ist der beste Fremdenführer, den man sich vorstellen kann. Mit seiner im 5. Monat schwangeren Liebe, seinem Chevrolet Jeep und uns drei Deppen hinten drin fräsen wir über (meist) unwegsames Gelände an einen hammermässigen Wasserfall.

Ich bin dort wieder einmal richtiges Wasser schnuppern gegangen (gleich mit Hose und allem) und mich sozusagen einer “Grundreinigung” unterzogen.
Anschliessend in eine Billardhalle und kräftig Billard gespielt. Die Übung aus der Kantizeit und mit Vroni in Neuseeland geht nicht weg. Juhui.
Ich bin heute Morgen auf den Webseiten meiner ehemaligen musikalischen Umgebung herumgesurft. Wow, wie alles erwachsen wird. Unglaublich. Was es mir nicht viel leichter macht, nicht wieder in die e-Gitarrensaiten langen zu wollen. (Ja, ich vermisse meine PRS)
Am Abend, in Verbindung mit einem Carambar (Caramelstängeli 🙂 ist mir dann noch ein Teil einer Amalganfüllung rausgefallen… Ich falle auseinander!

für Mami und Papi (ich lebe noch. Mir geht’s gut. Ich hab kein Geld zum Telefonieren! : (

adventure, The Long Way West🌏, travels🌎

UnDo Bus and a bunch of beers

After my daily knitted cord for my hammock, two videos for friends who are getting married, we went to “town” in search for a restaurant with free WiFi. (No, not this time, instead we chose PIZZA HUT.) According so a series of fortunate events, we ordered Pizzas (with the waitress’s dry remark:”You guys must be hungry.”)
Well, we weren’t anymore, after the pizza.
We met Tim. Who is Tim? That is a long story: …

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adventure, The Long Way West🌏, travels🌎

Saturday, the 14th!!!

There is even a horror movie called Saturday, the 14th. I tried my brand new FuBu shoes I got from Wilhelm back in Agadir – and they made me blister (I know this verb doesn’t exist, relax and have fun), but I took them off around the same place I dismantled my Crocs(TM) and carried on as Barefoot Beer again…

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adventure, The Long Way West🌏, travels🌎

A Lesson in Murphy’s Law

I learnt murphy’s law in the Swiss Army.
It goes: “If something goes wrong, everything goes wrong!”
We went swimming onto the small island which is inhabited mainly by birds and I had a long discussion with Jean about the voyage, intrapersonal things between him and Jo and how he was predicting things to come. I realized that not only was my voyage written in the stars, but…

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