Daily distance covered: 113 NM
I started reading Andy McNab’s book “FIREWALL”. I read “BRAVO FOX TWO” when I was in my army service. I remember that book well. Most of the experience I didn’t and obviously couldn’t have, since Switzerland is whether + nor -, came out of Mc Nab’s book, which is all derived from experience.
Tag: the long walk west🌏
Mindelo/Sao Nicolao (Capverde) – St. Lucia (Carribbean Islands) day 2
Daily distance covered: 115 NM.
I made myself some soup for my morning watch and got this funny aftertaste of fossile fuel in the Chinese noodles!?! I wasn’t exactly sure whether the noodle factory made the good noodles next to a diesel refinery, so I asked. “Well, I drained the Diesel engine in Puerto Calero and filled…
Mindelo/Sao Nicolao (Capverde) – St. Lucia (Carribbean Islands) day 1
Sailing always takes some time to getting used to. It is the getting used to always holding onto something with one hand, always do one thing after the other, taking care what to…
Continue reading →das Abenteuer beginnt…/the adventure begins (2-3 weeks offline!!!)
Like a ritual, we have a shower after a long time and for a long time. Major internet update. Even all the bills and then… Into the Great Unknown. As things go, we set off at precicely 1700, followed by the ship horn salutes of our neighbour ship. what a good feeling. NOW, we are on our way. Even though the raymarine tool…
Continue reading →To-do-list
Today was the ticking-things-off-your-to-do-list-day, and so we did. We went on the pontoon, met Karsten and Sandra from Germany, with which I had a nice chat and played a couple of songs later in the night. He sells radar warning systems in Germany and she is a teacher.
Continue reading →Working sunday
Today, we anglegrinded, drilled, filed and did a lot of other noisy work on the boat. While skip installed the repaired tiller, I fixed the wind vane.
Continue reading →Weekend
We got one piece of the tiller in for repair. Hopefully it will be finished on time. We expect on leaving Tuesday or Wednesday.
Continue reading →Sewing
another day of sewing. I finally mastered the art according to modify my own stuff. Here a whole new range of possibilites for my modification-mania opened up. Yeah.
Continue reading →Introduction to Sewing
I got an introduction into sewing. I am a newbie and I suck… I was last at a sowing machine in 6th grade… Time passes. But practice, practice, practice…
“Into the Wild” in the evening. Ebooks are crap to read, but at least I get a hand on reading stuff…
Ich habe heute eine Einfuehrung in die Naehmaschine gekriegt. Nach der sechsten Klasse das erste Mal, wo ich wieder hinter dem Ratterding sitze. Nicht so gut, das Gaspedal ist schwierig zu handhaben. Ich uebe und uebe. Toll
Am Abend wieder “Into The Wild”…
Boy’s day off / Männertag
Today, the skipper and the Swiss crew did basically the same thing as I have done with Sue on Monday. Going to town, doing boy’s things, but having nice lunch and coffee as well, just all the things in a faster pace.
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