Besides waking up at 1230, almost being the owner of a nice Roland amplifier, a splendid Marcos breakfast, a coffee invitation by David “I dig Led Zep” and his family, going to a nice beach and having the best midnight tapas so far, there was nothing mentionable 🙂
Continue reading →Tag: the long walk west🌏
Coincidence and the worst ice cream ever
Well… the rest of the day, looked upon from a toilet perspective at 1 o’clock in the morning with a pretty big dent in the bell, seems rather surrealistic. I met Fou while working on a new song. I must have reminded him of his early days when he was traveling around, doing arts and so on…
Continue reading →Happy bum
After another comfortable night at Marcos’ place, I am drinking coffee at the coffee shop which basically fulfills most of my needs at the same time, being
primary needs:
.big toilet where I can wash myself
Spanish Crown 0 : 1 British Empire
So what does one do one the general strike day – of course – as always moving anticyclic – working! Washing clothes (tnx, Marcos) – pre-cooking rice (this rice lasts a couple of days, man) – working on new songs – meditating – drinking coffee – reading – you know, WORKING!
Continue reading →Fatalismus
Fatalism is a philosophical doctrine emphasizing the subjugation of all events or actions to fate or inevitable predetermination.
Continue reading →Summary after two months travelling without money
Summary after two months travelling.
Regarding the highs (San Fernando, Sevilla, Lagos, in the Van to Porto, Santiago, Ponferrada, La Virgen del Camino, Leon, Logroño, Montpellier, Nimes, Arles, Lion, Macon, Chalon, the boat ride, Orchamps, Restaurant du Moron, Koblenz, Schaffhausen, Kreuzlingen) and my down times hitting rock bottom (Lissabon, Saintes Maries de la Mer) the percentage is pretty obvious.
Das Schiff / the ship
I arrived in Cadiz yesterday night – bunk – slight dizzle – now straight to the port Amerika, show my sailor self, do some fancy knotwork, ahoi capitano, vas a Gran Canaria?
Song of the day: Creep – Radiohead (Gare du Nord Version)
x fingers, will you?
San Fernando / Napoleon / Adieu
After Jud’s math we slept about one hour this night. I guess this meeting was too young for being able to spend a last night before an uncertain period of time of separation… So along the line of Norwegian BlackDeath titans “no dreams breed in breathless sleep”
Continue reading →Aquarelle und Digitale Kriegsführung / watercolours and digital warfare
KEep your hands off computers and electronic devices which are not your own, otherwise it might end in … ?!? … ??? … £#%! … #!666!*% …
Continue reading →der Goldene Mittelweg / ZEN
Well shit, this text just gotten deleted due to lack of caffeine while editing the 22nd century version of this post. Sorry guys, just copy paste the German version into google translate…
Schoengeistiger Input: der Goldene Mittelweg ist heute zum Mittelpunkt eines Gespraechs zwischen Judith und mir geworden…
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